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What you can expect

Here are some of the features and functionalities in Amnic that we'll show you during your demo
Cost visibility and management
Custom reports, dashboards, cost explorer and similar features to identify contributors of high cloud costs
Benchmarking and anomalies
Compare your cloud costs with others of your scale in the industry and how to spot anomalous cost spikes
Kubernetes optimization
Resource, node, instance level optimization, to simplify the management of K8s costs

Amnic’s astute recommendation engine helped us reduce our cloud bill through optimization of network and cloudwatch costs. A key differentiator for Amnic remains its strong team which has channelized its significant experience in building a product uniquely suited to address pain points of fast growing companies.

Amnic’s astute recommendation engine helped us reduce our cloud bill through optimization of network and cloudwatch costs. A key differentiator for Amnic remains its strong team which has channelized its significant experience in building a product uniquely suited to address pain points of fast growing companies.

Amnic’s astute recommendation engine helped us reduce our cloud bill through optimization of network and cloudwatch costs. A key differentiator for Amnic remains its strong team which has channelized its significant experience in building a product uniquely suited to address pain points of fast growing companies.

Mayank bhola

Co-founder & CTO, Lambdatest